Gifts > Flowers

Table Arrangement

In stock: 2 units

Price: $ 99.00 USD*
Sale: $ 98.00 USD*
* United States Dollars

Splendid array of 100 colored flowers on thin white wicker basket woven by hand or glass vase.
In perfect combination of colors, artistic greenhouse roses basket with handmade ruffles. Perfect for the most special occasion.

  • Wicker basket
  • Glass vase


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Comment and rating: Table Arrangement

By John Doe. April 7, 2015.

Love this product! Do you have a different model?
Hi John, it's the only one for now, but when we get the new one, we'll let you know. Thanks for your business!

By Mary Moe. April 7, 2015.

Thanks a lot, I've been looking for this product for a long time. Congratulations!

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